Monday, January 08, 2007

Accessing CIAO from home...

If you want to use the CIAO (Columbia International Affairs Online) from home you must access it from the HCHS Library's page.
1) Go to the HCHS homepage at:
2) Click on "Library" at the top of this page.
3) Under "Full Text Resources" click on the link that says "Columbia International Affairs Online"
4) You'll be taken to a description of the database. On this page, click on the link that says, "CIAO (Columbia International Affairs Online)."
5) You will then be asked for your Hunter username and password. These are the same as your hunter email and should be in the form "Z2012123". You do NOT need to add ".12" to the end of this username.

You will not have to put in your username and password if you're accessing CIAO from school.