Thursday, October 19, 2006


IPL: Science Fair Project Resource Guide
"Are you looking for some help with a science fair project? If so, then you have come to the right place. The IPL will guide you to a variety of web site resources, leading you through the necessary steps to successfully complete a science experiment. If you have never done a science fair project before, it has been a while, or you just want to be sure you do a really great job be sure and look at the following websites for tips on what makes a good project before doing anything else. This way you will know ahead of time what will be expected of you..."

The Discover Channel's Science Fair Resouce Page
"Creative investigations into the real world." This site provides a complete guide to science fair projects. Check out the 'Handbook' which features information from Janice VanCleave, a popular author who provides everything you need to know for success. You can even send her a question about your project. [From IPL.]